Sunday, September 12, 2010

Glenn Beck's Alaska trip

Some of what I say here is speculation but that is what @stopbeck is engaged in so fair is fair isn't it?  There is one thing that is absolute fact and that is Glenn Beck did not announce his event in Alaska until Sep 1.   @stopbeck claims Glenn Beck has been talking about this for weeks and that is a bald faced lie.  I listen to Glenn Beck more than he does and I know for a fact he did not say anything on his show about it until last week.   In fact here is the actual announcement   It was very low key and Glenn did not promote it very much at all.  I think Glenn Beck chose Sep 11 not because it was the anniversary of 911 but it was a convenient date in regard to his schedule.   If he were to do it on Sep 4th which was stated as the original plan it would have required a very long plane trip at the beginning of his vacation.  I think he wanted to get settled in and have fun with his family in Idaho and then at the end go up to Alaska for this event.  Common sense would have dictated that he do it on 9-12 which is the name of his organization but since he as a Mormon observes the sabbath he decided to do it on a Saturday which is Coincidentally the 9th anniversary of 911.  Compare what I say here to @stopbeck's  and see what you think makes more sense.

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